Samaj Vikas Sanstha
Annual Report 2012 – 2013

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On 28 November 2011, Samaj Vikas Sanstha (SVS) completed 16 years of its existence.  In these past 16 years, it has been through many phases of growth and development in response to contemporary challenges and issues. Each phase has involved a simultaneous process of reaffirming the founding vision of SVS “Creating Livelihood opportunities, striving for equal rights and participation of women, children, landless dalits, tribals and weaker sections of the society in the development processes”.

Through its strategic planning and interventions SVS has evolved to be mature organization which works towards sustained impact in the area livelihood, gender issues and women empowerment. SVS has witness many challenges and has learnt in the process to circumvent all these with relentless efforts of her team.  SVS’s interventions have been seen length and breadth of these issues. We have reached out to more than 110 villages of 4 talukas in two districts (Osmanabad and Latur).

During the FY 2012-13 the developmental interventions/programmes SVS executed scores of interventions relate to issues it is working on namely  formation and strengthening of SHG’s, Income generation trainings, promotion of women’s leadership, propagation of Panchayatiraj, Educational development programmes like balwadis, support classes, strengthening of village education committees, advocacy and lobbying- highlighting the plight of government hostels for adivasi, tribal and

backward students, Vatsalya Centre for orphan and one parent children, and the initiatives on “liberating women from violence”.  Starting with a report


on this new outreach programme of the organization (Liberating women from violence), this annual report provides a glimpse on the activities/programmes/interventions by the organization during the year and some of its outputs/impacts.

“Vatsalya” – A Centre for orphan and one parent children:

Initiated in 2006, Vatsalya houses 30 children; 18 girls and 12 boys. Vatslaya houses orphans, children of single parents, or children whose parents work in extremely vulnerable conditions and are unable to look after their children. Vatsalya is well equipped three storied building, with 30 beds, 4 computers, a multipurpose hall, LCD project, water filter and the solar based water heater. Vatsalya believes in the democratic functioning. In order to inculcate these values amongst the children we have formed various committees of children living in Vatslaya. The committees such as Cleanliness/ hygiene, health, defense, education, home ministry, cultural committees etc are formed so as to give a learning experience on managing of Vatsalya.


Vatsalya also takes care of the hobbies and interests of its inmates. We have provisioned a library to which the children have friendly access. 6 children are pursuing music and instrument learning classes. 4 children are taking computer and typing classes. 6 girls have completed the nursing courses out which 5 girls have secured jobs in Government hospitals. We also provide coaching on Kusti ( Wrestling ) and Karate. Two children have earned two gold medals in Kusti ( wrestling) at block level( Winners felicitated by dignitaries). Companionate care, mingled with love and affection, systematic learning in joyful atmosphere, giving opportunities to realize their full potentials, are some of our core values at Vatsaya. We aims to prepare our children for the better world where they learn to take up the ownership to their personal and vocational future.

against violence against women:

Description: Samaj Vikas Sanstha Logo

 This is the third consecutive year of our struggle to bring about equality, reduce the  gender based discrimination, and eliminate gender based violence. The multi pronged approach to this vision is through preventive and case based intervention by providing legal aid, support, prevention and eradication of all types of violence against women. We have reached out in 100 villages from four blocks of two district. We have appointed 200 Gram Savitries (Women animators) in these 100 villages under intervention. Gram Savitries play vital role of providing support to victims of violence from their respective villages. The gram savitries engage Tanta Mukt  Samiti (Conflict resolution committees) at village level, block level committees and police stations to assist the victims in securing protection against violence and secure justice. In these three years 599 cases were registered out which 393 cases have been resolved. All these animators have been provided with trainings on perspectives and paralegal training. Table given below gives a snapshot of the intervention.


Total dist.

Total taluka

Total villages


Total village

Total registered

Total renewed

Total no.of divorce women

Total court on going cases




22 Lakh





A woman happily reunited with her  family  The biggest achievement of this program is that women from the intervention  area feel supported; fear of violence is reduced significantly, women have  become aware about their rights and are also knowledgeable about various laws  under which they can seek solace.

women from violence – (a New initiative)

  This Programme Liberating  Women from violence, – which became operational during the reporting period is  a multi dimensional approach to provide aid, support, prevention and  eradication of all types of violence against women. It also envisages  accountability of perpetrators who indulge in violence against women.  The  project is being implemented in three talukas of Osmanabad district, viz.  Omerga, Lohara, and Kallam, and Nilanga taluka of Latur district, (Maharashtra  State, INDIA).    In this first year of the project,  we have made some  important breakthroughs, viz. research and collection of data on different  types and instances of Violence Against Women (VAW),  Printing hand bills  and copies of various Acts/laws etc. Training programmes, providing legal aid  to needy women, conducting street plays and Nari Adalats etc. this year from 5  talukas in 110 villages through 55 Nari Adalat we focus on preventing the women  from various violence, create awareness about various right which they are  unaware, solve family problem and renew family which is broken through various  type of counseling . throughout this 154 women living life happily with their  family. One of the most important and encouraging change happening at the  village level is that, of the gradual change in the attitude of the people –  people  are positively inclined to support every effort of the activists  and thereby ensuring the success of the programmes. In most of the target  villages, there is considerable improvement in the level of awareness on VAW,  Basic Laws, Nari Adalats etc.  The women’s self help groups (Micro-credit  Groups) are actively and openly supporting the initiatives of the  organization.   A lot of people are visiting the office of our  organization seeking guidance/assistance or support.

Total dist.

Total taluka

Total villages

Total village population

Total registered

Total renewed

Total no.of divorce women

Total court on going cases




21 lakhs






The project staff has also become  experts in implementing the various project programmes, organizing and ensuring  the support of the people etc. The new found confidence and enthusiasm of the  project staff is reflected during the monthly meetings, reporting and planning  of the project  programmes.  Below is mentioned about the activities  during the year as part of this programme.


for children from backward caste: 

Description: Samaj Vikas Sanstha LogoVision: to foster collaborative action to avail the
entitlements under the GR issues on 26th July 2011 for the government or aided
hostels for children from backward caste. We have been working with 1586
students from 24 hostels from four distructs viz- Beed, Osmanbadad, Nanded, and
Latur. SVS has been instrumental in bringing about an amendment in 1984 GR
on  the facilities being provided. We formed various committees of the
children living in the hostels and conduted various activities such as Play for
Peace, organized competitions for the children. Awareness was created amongst
the inmates on the  facilities they entitled to get under the revised GR.
Based on this the students could get access to books in the library, water
filter, solar system for warming of water, a computer per ten students,
dearness allowance, cleanliness allowance, LCD T.V. We also created awareness
amongst the parents abpout the facility to meet their children while they are
in the hostel.  We also sought information on the difficulties faced in
the hostel under Right to Information act.  

The significant outcome of this
effort was a GR that was issued on 26th November 2011. All children and the
staff members are now area about it.  

of women and Formation of self Help groups ( SHGs) –

To realize the goals of economic and
political empowerment of women through SHGs,we have formed 822 SHGs in four
blocks of two districts. Out of these 458 groups have availed a loan of upto 6
lakh from the banks. With the help of this 132 groups have started their own
ventures. 4 groups have initiated 4 PDS (Public Distribution Scheme) and
Kerosene distribution shops.  Some of the enterprises include spice
grinding mills, flour mill, Bakery and confectionaries, salons, mobile
repairing, sari waving etc. We have better representation of women from Gram
panchayat to District Level. We also initiated the campaign to name the house
under joint ownership of Husband and wife. Before that it was only on husband’s
names. Many of our women are quite confident and also live life with dignity.

during drought in Marathawada:

Marthawada is extremely drought
prone region. Many women suffer as they have to walk miles together to fetch
water. Time, energy, resources are wasted in fulfilling the basic need of
water. The livestock suffering was the worst. Many cattle like cows, buffalos,
sheep and goats were sent to abator (Slaughter House)  due to severe
scarcity of water. In this situation we initiated work in three villages. We
identified these three villages which are situated on a hillock. We brought
water from the nearby ponds to the wells in villages; shades for animal were
built and provided with fodder and water. 120 cattle were saved during this
period. We also sent out tanker water in the most affected areas. Now our
villagers are valuing water

Primary Education(Balwadi):

We promote pre primary education
amongst the laman – a nomadic community.  5 such balwadies have been
started in Omeraga block. We promote joyful learning. We have designed the
curriculum which includes introduction to letters, numbers, songs. This also
include modules on personal hyheine, nutrition etc. Cultural programmes and
hobby classes are also conducted for all the children in the weekends which
help in unearthing nurturing the talents of children.  In all the balwadis
children celebrated the Independence Day, and the Republic days. The
President/members of VEC unfurled the tricolor and children conducted songs and
dance programmes. Sweets were also distributed to the children. Out of 150
Children 30 children have been assisted taking admissions in the first standard
there bt mainstreaming them into education system. Many dalit and Laman women
have taken trainings such as embroidery training, sewing classes, beauty
parlors etc. 


SVS is grateful to many individuals
and organizations for their unflinching support. We could not have achieved
whatever we have achieved without their support.

My sincere gratitude to all our
Supporters, Donors, Well wishers, Govt. Officials and their Administrative
Machinery and all the people with whom it is in partnership for the social
economic and educational development of the rural community.  I also
appreciate commitment And hard work of our team members. SVS has dream, a dream
of creating just society where all the individuals are able to live a life with
dignity – a life of quality. We thank all those who are with us in this


:Samaj Vikas Sanstha, Omerga.

Development of women and children

Description: Samaj Vikas Sanstha LogoBackground and Context

Established in 1996, Samaj Vikas
Sanstha (SVS), pursues the ideals of sustainable development for the benefit of
local communities in Omerga, Lohara, Kallam, Tuljapur talukas in Osmanabad
district and Nilanga taluka in Latur district of Maharashtra . Samaj Vikas
Sanstha, is actively involved in the development of Lamanis, tribals and other
backward sections in and around Omerga. The support of TDSS has been very
critical during all these years, especially the support to the project,
Development of women and children of Laman and Dalit community. The balwadis in
the Laman and dalit vastis (where there are no government provisions for
elementary education) support classes, the women’s SHGs for socio economic
development of Laman and other backward casts, Skill development of women and
children, awareness creation on Child labour law, children’s right to education
etc have been the developmental activities under this project.

In the past one year of this project
year we continued our efforts with increased vigor and energy to meet the
project objectives. Below is given an account of the various
activities/programmes undertaken by the organization as part of this project
and an overview of its impact on the lives of the target group. We wish to
thank TDSS for the unflinching support and also our communities.

Programme Objectives:

  • To initiate preschool ( Balwadies) and support classes
    in educationally backward areas of Dalit and Laman  communities
  • To create awareness amongst children and parents and
    bring them in the main stream of education
  • To foster self reliance amongst women through forming
    Self Help Groups.
  • To organize women and impart skills training for their
    economic development
  • To increase breadth and length of awareness on Child
    Rights and Child labour laws.

Given below is the detail
information on activities conducted under this programmes:

School classes- ( Balwadi):

The curriculum is planned on the
monthly basis. Children are taught alphabetic, numbers, names of fruits,
flowers trees. The learning is made joyful through storytelling, action songs
and use of teaching aids etc. For the motor development children are encouraged
to make articles of clay. Various extra curriculum activities  are
organized to develop the hidden talents of children. The principle of ‘Leaning
by Doing’ holds a lot of importance at this stage. The children are given
opportunity to collect the items such as leaves, flowers from their immediate
surrounding thereby ensuring the application of knowledge the children lean in
the balwadies. At present children are able to identify names of fruits,
plants, animals, numbers, alphabetic, phonetics. Children are able to do
pronunciation small words in English. Children can write number from 1 to 50,
and sing many nursery rhymes such as Rain on the green grass, Sonu Monu, Row
-row -row the boat, two little hands. ‘Children are running to school instead
of walking to school’! as a result attendance of children is also very regular.

of Children on roll:


Balwadi Name





Teachers Name


Kilbil Balwadi, Hamuman Nagar,




Mr. Raghani Bhalekar


Adarsh Balwadi, Mahar, Taman
Landa, Yeli




Miss. Vaishali More.


Pratham Balwadi, Juni Peth( old
market), Umerha




Miss. Sangeeta Sankole


Aanad Balwadi, Mulaj Landa Umerga




Mr. M.  Rathod


Aapli Balwadi, Karle Plot Umerga




Mis. Kavita Gurav








of Children who continued to take admission in std 1 – June 2012.

Total 22 children who completed
their 7 years of age are admitted in the first standard.

This ensures their entry in formal education
system. As the saying goes good beginning is half done battle won, the children
are very excited to enter the new school.

June 2012 27 children were linked to primary school from following geographies:


Name of the Balwadi

No of children taken
admission in Std. 1


Kilbil Balwadi,
Hamuman Nagar, Omerga




Aapli Balwadi, Karle
Plot Umerga




Pratham Balwadi, Juni
Peth (old market), Umerha




Aanad Balwadi,
Yali villag-




Hasare Balwadi 







“Pratham” balwadi, situated at Juni
Peth( old Market) Umerga. All children come to Balwadi in the uniform. Except a
few, all other children have good academic progress. Children can recite alphabetic
letters, rhymes, identify fruits, flowers, animals, vehicles, colors etc. Our
children take pride in introducing themselves in English.

All our children are the first
generation learners and parents also feel proud to see their children’s
progress. The quality of education imparted and the discipline and systematic
functioning of our balwadis has been a motivating factor for the parents.

and Supervision:

Monitoring and supervision plays
important role in ensuring quality education. We monitor our newly trained
teachers in terms of the content delivery, use of teaching aids such as charts.
Capacity building of the teachers is a key strategy. We also monitor our
process indicators like no of parents meetings conducted, monthly planning done
by the teachers.This task is efficiently handled by our supervisor Varsha Mane.
He posses six years of experience in this sector.


We have formed parents’ groups.
Mostly the members of these groups are mothers. Each balwadi has the group of
parents whose children lean in that Balwadi. So far following number of
meetings have been convened

Description: Samaj Vikas Sanstha LogoMothers grops in Juni peth omerga

  1. Kilbil Balwadi – Hamuman Nagar – 3 meetings
  2. Aapli Balwadi, Karle Plot  – 3 meetings.
  3. Aanad Balwadi – Tanda- 4 meetings
  4. Adarsh Balwadi- Yeli – 2 Meeting
  5. Pratham Balwadi – Juni peth – 4 meetings

Total 16 such meetings were
conducted. In this meeting we discussed the progress of children, importance of
hygiene, importance of nutritional and balanced diet, good practices etc.
Children recited nursery rhymes, read out charts, and also enacted small role
pays which delighted the parents. Parents take delight in their own fragrances.
The parents appreciated the teachers and the children.

Name of the Village

No of parents participated in the
parents meeting

Topics discussed during the meeting


Karle Plot



The progress of
children, importance of hygiene, importance of nutritional and balanced diet,
Best practices etc. Children recited nursery rhymes, read out charts, and
also enacted small role pays which delighted the parents.


So far 16 meetings
have been conducted. Parents are very appreciative of their children’s

Mulaj Tanda



Hanuman Nagar



Juni Peth







The outcome of these parents meeting
is that parents are taking ownership of their children’s education. Parents
come to school to drop their children unlike in the past where children were
left to themselves to attend the school or sent on the farms as additional
hand. Seeing the development of the school many parents whose children studied
in the Municipal schools before are taking admission in our school.


Training venue



5th and 6 July 2012


Demonstration on
Nutritional recipes.

Creative teaching

Types of play games

Use of folk media
for teaching

Two days training
on Child to Child education.

Preparation of
teaching aids

14 full time
teachers attended the training workshop.

Teachers were
trained in the curriculum of balwadi and how to teach.

All the teachers,
supervisor and project head participated in this workshop.



6th November 2012


Vaishali More –
Pratham Balwadi, Raghini Lavate – Hamuman nagar, Munnabai Rathod – Mulaj
Tanda were trained in the above mentioned topics.

of National Festivals:

We celebrated 26th January –
Republic Day , 19th February – Shivaji Jayanti and 15th August – Independence
Day, Raksha Bandhan ,Gandhi Jayanti ,Kojagiri Purnima, Birth anniversary of
Savitribai Phule. These festivals were celebrated in each school. Importance o
these days was explained during the celebration. Parents and children
participated in the rally. Children shouted the slogans on the patriotism
during the rally. All these festivals and national days are celebrated with lot
of pomp. Our children get opportunity to show their talent in terms of
anchoring the shows. Children take the lead in organizing the programmes,
comparing, and delivering speeches, thanks giving etc. This helps to overcome
stage fear and develop leadership skills of our children.

Description: Samaj Vikas Sanstha Logo26th January – Republic Day “Pratham” balwadi, situated at
Juni Peth

Birth anniversary of Savitribai
Phule celebrated in yeli 3 january and krishmas day 25th dicember


Description: Samaj Vikas Sanstha LogoRegular guidance is provided to children on conducting self
hygiene like keeping the nails. Hair, clothes cealn. Teacher monitor each child
for the hygiene and counsels the parents and the children if not satisfied with
cleanliness. Health check up camp is also organized occasionally. This ensures
clean and neat atmosphere in the balwadi.

Forming children’s group – (Bal
Mandal ): In each hamlet and community a Bal mandal( a group of children) is
formed. The group consists of 15 to 20 members and each member is assigned a
role and designation like we have in our ministry. These groups organize
social, educational and cultural events for the children. An event is organized
on every 2nd and the 4th Sunday of each month. Students give performances,
present songs, storytelling etc. this gives them an opportunity to exhibit
their talents. The group strength is Juni peth – 17 members, Mulaj tand – 11,
Yeli – 13, Hanuman Nagar 12- Karle plot 10.

Group( Kishori Mandal):

of the Group



Kishori Mandal

inmates of Vatslaya have formed a group. The group has cultivated a kitchen
garden and they grew vegetation worth Rs. 2000/- 


Kishori Mandal

Nagar 11


Nutrition and education

on Violence against Women

women sex ratio and how to prevent it.


group has also cultivated a Kitchen Garden and they take very good care of
the same.

kitchen garden did not get enough rail water as result it was perished. Rests
4 are in good condition.


Description: Samaj Vikas Sanstha LogoWe implement Hobby classes on a weekly basis on every
Saturday and Sunday between 4.30 to 5.30 pm in eight villages. The information
is imparted on topics like Superstitions, general knowledge, scientific
information, sports during these classes. These hobby classes are conducted by
our supervisors in eight villages. In other villages children have formed Bal
Panchayat and sometime they themselves conduct hobby classes. Around 25- 30 children
participate in these hobby classes. 2 -3 children are selected as leaders from
each group thus around 25 to 30 children are in leadership role in these
classes. These classes are instrumental in helping children to identify their
talents, skills and help them to further develop it.

Screening Camps:

Health Screening camps were
organized in collaboration with the Primary Health care centre in the
localities mentioned above. 115 children underwent health screening. All the
children are found to be normal as per the height for age and weight for age.
The parents were satisfied with the health status of their children and were
also very



Name of the

No. of
children attending the balwadis





Mahar Laman





Kale Plot





Hanuman Nagar










Diggi Road





Vadar Galli





Karali Tanda





Talmod tanda















Turori Tanda





Muluz tanda








of Teachers.

help group ( SHG)and forming the federation of SHGs:

Women from SHGs and members from the
federation were trained on functioning of SHGs and on record keeping. The
training consisted of organizing skills, record keeping, codes and conduct of
the group etc. Total 76 women were present for this training. Currently 40
groups are maintaining the records. The women handing the function of groups
and all financial transaction efficiently. Women are participating in many
other events. This has increased their confidence in many ways. Women have
organized themselves and in case of any difficulty women support their group
members. All the banking related work is handled by the women independently.


Monthly meeting is conducted on the
first day of every month. The members present work accomplished in the previous
month and also present the plan of the upcoming month. The members discuss the
accomplishments and difficulties faced. Each member is encouraged to speak on a
particular subject. This gives them confidence and help the overcome stage fear

Balgriha – Umerga:

At present Vatsalya is housing 27
children of which 10 are boys and 17 are girls. With the support from TDSS 6
girls, inmates of Vatslaya are pursuing General nursing course from Shrirampur
and 5 girls are pursuing Nursing course from Kedgaon. With the unwavering
support of our well wishers, we are able to provide lodging, boarding and basic
health facilities to 27 children at Vatsalya. We have dug up a bore well hence
water is taken care of. These children are being assisted with lodging and
boarding and extracurricular activities. We conduct multiple socio- cultural
activities to foster the confidence of children. The eminent Harmonium expert
Vidya Kanade and Yogesh Kadam train our children in playing Harmonium. The
children who get trained under their expert advice train other children from
Vatsalya. One of the inmates Harshada is being trained in Tabala Vadan. She
will further train other interested participants. Two inmates – Prashant
Dhavale and Shreeshailya Pawar are seeking training in Marathi and English
Typing. They train other 10 children at Vatsalya. Hence total 12 children are
able to learn typing. Two girls – Sonali Rakunde and Relka Rathod were trained
in Kusti (Wrestling) for six months. Both of them participated in District and
Taluka level competitions from Amravati and Usmanabad districts in which they
secured the first prize. These girls are now aspiring to participate at state
level and win the prizes.


27 children go to Basveshawar
School. After 4 pm. when the school is over, children do self study from 4 to 5
pm in the library and play from 5 to 6 pm

to Child education:

After the school hours children
study together. They help each other in their studies and ensure the completion
of home work and self study. This practice was started from the last year. It
resulted in very good academic results. All our X Std students could pass their
SSC examination successfully. We the teachers and management staff also feel
good about their progress. While we have come a long way from where we started,
this is just the beginning of a long road ahead. As the time comes we renew and
strengthen our commitment to wellbeing of our communities. Once again we wish to
thank you for your benevolent support.


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