“To create and provide meaningful opportunities seeking development for especially vulnerable groups of women, children, marginalized farmers, landless dalits and disabled and encouraging them to participate in the developmental processes as an active part by securing happy and cheerful life for them”.

“Creating Livelihood opportunities, striving for equal rights and participation of women, children, landless dalits and weaker sections of the society in the development processes”. The organization has engaged itself in different health, sports, educational, social and medical services for the persons well as that need, especially from the tribal belt. It is maintaining an orphan children hostel and a residential school for the blind, deaf-dumb and mentally retarded children. In order to make themselves dependent. Our Sanstha is also providing training of sewing, carpentry, bamboo work etc. and also has vocational training center providing courses on computer servicing, T.V./V.C.R. repairing etc.
- To effect positive changes in the socio-economic and educational conditions of Tribals and backward castes.
- To provide relief to people affected by natural calamities.
- Promotion of agriculture, clean environment and economic development.
- To initiate economic developmental programmes for Tribals, deserted women, sex workers, unemployed youths and to impart basic education to their children.
- Rehabilitation of orphans, blind, handicapped and aged persons.
- Organization of women through micro-credit groups, entrepreneurship development of women, etc.
- Awareness creation on social issues through street plays and other mediums.
- Promotion of non formal education , adult literacy reading rooms in villages etc

Socio-economic Empowerment of women
SVS has formed around 1850 SHGs in 2 districts of Maharashtra. Around 3200 members are being empowered and becoming self dependent. Total grant received for these SHGs is around 4 Crores. Total Credit received by these SHGs is around 5.25 Crores. Around 1500 members developed their small and medium enterprises. One of these SHGs (Agjappa Mahila Bachat Ghat) was awarded as best SHG of NABARD of the year 2005 by Hon. P. Chidambaram (former Finance Minister GOI).
- 40% of funds go to food
- 35% for Educational Funds
- 29% for medical care
Our Mission
“To create and provide meaningful opportunities seeking holistic development of especially vulnerable groups of women, children, marginalized farmers, landless dalits and disabled and encouraging them to participate in the developmental processes as a active part by securing just and dignified living for them”.

Non-Governmental development organization

Operational Programme Areas

Community-Based Organization

Leadership Development Education
We require your help!
Our Location
- Akondi Road, Taluka :Umerga, Osmanabad - 413606, Maharashtra
- +91 9172972482
- samajvikas.pune@gmail.com